Lucie Hrušková


Leonidas Kryvošej

<<<    <<    strana 9/105    >>    >>>    
Detail Seance.
Detail Seance.
Seance,130x80, oil and structure on canvas.
Seance,130x80, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Dubnu.
Detail Dubnu.
Duben,145x75, oil and structure on canvas.
Duben,145x75, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Alenky 23.
Detail Alenky 23.
Alenka 2023,140x65, oil and structure on canvas.
Alenka 2023,140x65, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Špízů.
Detail Špízů.
Velikonoční špízy,140x65, oil and structure on canvas.
Velikonoční špízy,140x65, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Pastýřky.
Detail Pastýřky.
<<<    <<    strana 9/105    >>    >>>    
