Lucie Hrušková


Leonidas Kryvošej

<<<    <<    strana 6/105    >>    >>>    
Návraty, 140x110,  oil and structure on canvas.
Návraty, 140x110, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Bratrstva.
Detail Bratrstva.
Bratrstvo neviditelných,150x100,  oil and structure on canvas.
Bratrstvo neviditelných,150x100, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Dračí krve.
Detail Dračí krve.
Dračí krev,140x115, oil and structure on canvas.
Dračí krev,140x115, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Matu.
Detail Matu.
Mat,130x85, oil and structure on canvas.
Mat,130x85, oil and structure on canvas.
Svítání,70x50, oil and structure on canvas.
Svítání,70x50, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Bílého koně.
Detail Bílého koně.
<<<    <<    strana 6/105    >>    >>>    
