Lucie Hrušková


Leonidas Kryvošej

<<<    <<    strana 22/104    >>    >>>    
Detail 1650.
Detail 1650.
1650--100x70, oil and structure on sololit
1650--100x70, oil and structure on sololit
Korida---155 x 115,oil and structure on canvas.
Korida---155 x 115,oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Smečky.
Detail Smečky.
Smečka---100 x 68, oil and structure on sololit
Smečka---100 x 68, oil and structure on sololit
Detail Schovanky.
Detail Schovanky.
Schovanka---100 x 70,  oil and structure on sololit
Schovanka---100 x 70, oil and structure on sololit
Detail Šílené Johany.
Detail Šílené Johany.
Šílená Johana, 145 x 100,oil and structure on canvas.
Šílená Johana, 145 x 100,oil and structure on canvas.
<<<    <<    strana 22/104    >>    >>>    
