Lucie Hrušková


Leonidas Kryvošej

<<<    <<    strana 18/105    >>    >>>    
Detail Melody boys.
Detail Melody boys.
Melody Boys 125x95, oil and structure on canvas.
Melody Boys 125x95, oil and structure on canvas.
Strážci prahu 100x70, oil and structure on sololit
Strážci prahu 100x70, oil and structure on sololit
Detail Světlušek.
Detail Světlušek.
Světlušky -100x100 ,  oil and structure on canvas.
Světlušky -100x100 , oil and structure on canvas.
Mlčeti zlato, 100x70, oil and structure on sololit
Mlčeti zlato, 100x70, oil and structure on sololit
Dáma s koněm  125x95, oil and structure on canvas.
Dáma s koněm 125x95, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail her.
Detail her.
Ossianovy hry,100x70,  oil and structure on canvas.
Ossianovy hry,100x70, oil and structure on canvas.
<<<    <<    strana 18/105    >>    >>>    
