Lucie Hrušková


Leonidas Kryvošej

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Carevna. 140x120, oil and structure on canvas.
Carevna. 140x120, oil and structure on canvas.
Člověče nezlob se - 95x65, oil and structure on canvas.
Člověče nezlob se - 95x65, oil and structure on canvas.
Vějička,100x55, oil and structure on canvas.
Vějička,100x55, oil and structure on canvas.
SuperStar  - 100x75, oil and structure on canvas.
SuperStar - 100x75, oil and structure on canvas.
Fire Man  50x50, oil and structure on canvas.
Fire Man 50x50, oil and structure on canvas.
Sinuhet  50x40,  oil and structure on canvas.
Sinuhet 50x40, oil and structure on canvas.
Detail Mr. Roostrera.
Detail Mr. Roostrera.
Mr. Rooster 115x85 oil and structure on canvas.
Mr. Rooster 115x85 oil and structure on canvas.
Dcery času  -  140x125, oil and structure on canvas.
Dcery času - 140x125, oil and structure on canvas.
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